Glass Stillages

Stillages & Pallets

Glass Stillages

A frame design for sheet glass, or sealed units, stacked upright inclined inwards and secured, wheeled,  forkliftable or craneable.  We can also provide all the necessary finishes – for instance galvanisation, powder coating and casters or wheels. In addition, as well as providing stillages for the transport and storage of window profile, we can also supply glass handling stillages and glass handling equipment for use with window panes or other forms of glass.

All our stillages (including metal stillages, pallets, cages and bins) are designed and manufactured at our own headquarters in the UK.

Need a bespoke design for this type of product?
Call us to discuss your requirements on: 07973 669 740

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A few things to know about us

Stillages Direct have been supplying and manufacturing Stillages to a range of high profile clients for over 20 years. We design and manufacture all our products here in the UK, below are a few of the products that we supply.

Metal stillages, Roll Cages, Metal pallets, Component cages, Metal packaging, Component storage, Steel pallets for sales, Metal containers, metal cages for storage, Euro pallets, stackable storage units, Roll containers, Containment pallets, containment cages, Metal boxes for storage, Car part containers, steel pallet manufactures, Stillage manufacturers, Steel stillage for sale, Metal pallets for sale, Collapsible pallets, Pallets for sale, UK stillage, UK Pallet manufacturers, Made to order Stillages


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We ensure that we keep to the best practices to ensure all products are manufactured to a high standard.


For all enquires call our team on 01495 788 049

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